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Big Finish - Avon:A Terrible Aspect AUDIO
M1795537OCVirn Big Finish are releasing an audio version of Paul Darrow's 1989 book about Avon. Available to pre-order now for release February 2025.

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Edited by SupremeCommanderDiane on 25-09-2024 12:16
I can’t help being disappointed that Big Finish feels the need to use up a Blake’s 7 slot in its schedule with this. It was widely panned on its original release and really doesn’t deserve resurrecting. There. I have said it.
Elegant, my friend. Simply elegant.
As much as we all love Paul - the truth is this novel was widely panned. Big Finish having a ker-ching moment again...
Joe Dredd
What next? Afterlife and State of MIND?


Peter Anghelides: “And apart from Terry Nation, himself a good friend of Paul’s, who better than the man who played Avon himself to reveal the character’s history?"

Well, at the time, the who better would have been Chris Boucher. But we are once again back to this idea that BF keeps repeating, that the actors know their characters better than anyone else. We know this simply isn't the case.
Steve White
I've got the original novel on my bookshelf. I've not read it for years, but back in 89 I remember it being not to shabby.

I've just pre-ordered the download from Big Finish and I'm quite looking forward to this...

The recent BluRay announcement has really re-ignited my B7 fandom!
Joe Dredd

Steve White wrote:

The recent BluRay announcement has really re-ignited my B7 fandom!

Good to hear, Steve!

Steve White wrote:

I've got the original novel on my bookshelf. I've not read it for years, but back in 89 I remember it being not to shabby.

I liked Paul Darrow's reasoning, that if he gave Avon's father a lot of coverage, he'd have a tailor-made part if it ever got made into a movie.

The novel is also the way it is because of PD's reaction to B7 slash fiction.

I remember reading it in about a day when it came out. It took me years to realise the coloured squares on the front cover form 'b7'. It's a great cover (though originally PD had wanted another fan picture, that he had framed on his wall). The paperback version totally ruins it in every way. I have no idea what they were thinking.
Well, back in the olden days of fandom- and by that I'm meaning around the mid-eighties into the nineties, we had the Programme Guide, two or three novelizations, Afterlife, and then Avon, A Terrible Aspect. We were darned glad to have any of it and although I didn't personally go gaga about the plot, I was very excited that Paul Darrow thought enough of us fans to write a novel about his character. I'll admit it isn't Shakespeare, but, unlike now, where we have plenty of wonderful books about the series out (self-publishing is amazing!) I harken back to the earlier times when we were glad to get anything with the Blake's 7 logo on it, or a story from one of our actors! Treat it for what it was- a novel novel!
Resist the Host

Joe Dredd

Paula wrote:

I'll admit it isn't Shakespeare

Actually, at least some of it is. Three words of the title, to be precise!

I can remember waiting with anticipation for the novel to come out, and being quite excited to get it, and admiring the dust jacket. It wasn't a bad novel, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but it wasn't B7 enough to scratch that particular itch.

Joe Dredd wrote:

Paula wrote:

I'll admit it isn't Shakespeare

Actually, at least some of it is. Three words of the title, to be precise!

I can remember waiting with anticipation for the novel to come out, and being quite excited to get it, and admiring the dust jacket. It wasn't a bad novel, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but it wasn't B7 enough to scratch that particular itch.

Very true, Joe. I think I remember Paul telling us that he had a different title in mind but the publisher had a different idea.
Resist the Host

It was known to friends of mine as Avon: A Terrible Novel.
Elegant, my friend. Simply elegant.

dragonq wrote:

It was known to friends of mine as Avon: A Terrible Novel.

Actually Gareth Thomas jokingly called the novel just that at an old Vision's con back in the late 90's.
Resist the Host


Paula wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

Paula wrote:

I'll admit it isn't Shakespeare

Actually, at least some of it is. Three words of the title, to be precise!

I can remember waiting with anticipation for the novel to come out, and being quite excited to get it, and admiring the dust jacket. It wasn't a bad novel, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but it wasn't B7 enough to scratch that particular itch.

Very true, Joe. I think I remember Paul telling us that he had a different title in mind but the publisher had a different idea.

Do you remember what his original title was?

dodgyville wrote:

Paula wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

Paula wrote:

I'll admit it isn't Shakespeare

Actually, at least some of it is. Three words of the title, to be precise!

I can remember waiting with anticipation for the novel to come out, and being quite excited to get it, and admiring the dust jacket. It wasn't a bad novel, and I enjoyed it for the most part, but it wasn't B7 enough to scratch that particular itch.

Very true, Joe. I think I remember Paul telling us that he had a different title in mind but the publisher had a different idea.

Do you remember what his original title was?

Unfortunately not, but I do remember Paul telling us the publisher wanted to go for a Shakespeare type quote and chose this one from Henry V. "Then imitate the action of the tiger. Stiffen the sinews. Summon up the blood, Disguise fair-nature with hard-favor Then lend the eye a terrible aspect."
Resist the Host

huh, I never thought Shakespeare would've seen a tiger but I guess they had them in sad zoos or something
Joe Dredd
I recall there was an article about it in Starlog. Paul was given a painting of Avon shooting Blake (it was three different images, on a red background), and he hung it on a wall of his house. Seeing it every day was the spark for thinking of writing the novel. He wanted the painting to be used for the cover, but the publisher said no. The Avon headshot that is used instead is by Karen River and appeared in a fanzine (Shadowplay) before then. (There was also a drawing of the same image inside the zine.) Karen River modelled her picture on a shot we see of Avon at the begiining of Gold.
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