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Any Podcast Recommendations?
G'day all,
What are your top B7 podcast recommendations?

I'm currently following Jim and Martin on the Mutoid Podcast, but I'm twiddling my just-about-opposable thumbs waiting for the new ep each month and I feel the need for a good B7 podcast binge.

I could dive into a random choice of which there are a-plenty, but if I'm not hooked in the first 10 mins, I'm likely to move on, so I'm open to some expert opinions.

I really enjoyed 'Down & Safe" in Pre-Covoid times...remember those good old days? I blame the chaps from 61 Cygni for the outbreak. Unfortunately that one never made it past Series B.

I like my podcasts slight irreverent with a large dollop of love for the subject. Let me know your thoughts.
Edited by BlueyH on 21-02-2025 11:00
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.
My personal favourite is "Space Fall: A Blake's 7 Podcast" - from memory I think they only got to Series 3 - not sure if they've made any more after that. Like you, I've tried a number of B7 podcasts but I find a lot of them not very engaging or a bit repetitive.
A quick recommendation for Ian and Eric's Blake's 7 In Character podcasts over at Neozazz. A must listen for me. Think I've listened to them all.
Zenith is great because it was two people who had never seen the show before. Blake’s 7 In Character was interesting because it’s character focused, not episode focused.
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Thanks everyone. Plenty to go at there...I think I'll start in reverse alphabetical order with Zenith!
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.
I've listened to ep1 review on Zenith. I enjoyed their description of the meeting place where the massacre takes place as an underground car park.
Check out "Maximum Power" and "straight Outta the Federation" lots of quality over-analysis.
Check out 'The Word On Blakes 7' to Smile
Thanks for the continued suggestions.
I'll admit that Zenith didn't really grab me, can't put my finger on why (maybe I was just distracted by the Quickly Kevin read-throughs of the Steve Bruce novels) but you've all given me plenty more to go at.

As I've seen your name giving a call out to 'The Word on Blakes 7' I may pop that on this arvo as I work.

Cheers all.
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.
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