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SadTHE WORD! THE WORD!Sad - the Blake's 7 (Blakes Seven, Blake's Seven, Blakes 7) version of WORDLE
WORD #01
Sad ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Sad

To play: post your suggestion as to which valid B7-related five-letter* word that might be.
My response: I'll consider your replies and indicate progress daily as follows:

Sad [B] ___ ___ [E] ___ Sad

Letters coloured pink eg. [E] are correct, but in the wrong place.
Letters coloured green eg. [B] are correct and in the correct place.

If there are two pink letters sharing the same incorrect position, or even a pink and a green, I'll put them together in curly brackets {X,Y}, {A, B}.

It's been agreed that neither hyphens nor Roman numerals are acceptable.

*Additional: by consent, from the start of the second year of SadTHE WORD, THE WORDSad, six-letter WinkSadWORDSSadWink are now allowed.

I'll show the correct answer when I post the new SadWORDSad, along with the name of the FIRST person to send me the correct SadWORDSad by PM. I'd say that if you know three or more letters are correct, it's worth PMing your guess.
Entries end at midnight on Saturday (UK time).
Three consecutive wins will mean I have to post an image of your favourite B7 character. Mind you, every time I win, I show my respect for her by posting an image of President Servalan.
Additional: if the rebels can prove I made a mistake, I will remove one of the images of the Supreme Commander.

(The SadWORDSad was formerly available in 'Xenon Base'. This game is, of course, a cunning plan to distract you rebels from your foolish little attempts to disrupt the Federation).

The real 'Wordle' is available from the New York Times at:
"You're not sulking, I hope?"

The WORD is now in its FOURTH year. Many thanks from the Federation to all who have contributed, however unsuccessfully, in our little competition aimed at giving you rebels better things to do than raid our facilities.
Edited by M1795537OCVirn on 03-02-2025 10:52
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
The WORD, #4.16, day 5
I gather everyone's busy these days. Too busy to write ficlets, too busy to guess a WORD...oo busy making money to be able to afford all the new B7 stuff, perhaps? 'Twas ever thus. The result is, we're stuck at
WinkSad [S] [Y] ___ [T] [E] ___ SadWink

Not that I'm complaining. And I'm future perhaps you should PM any Saturday guesses, right or wrong. There's always a faint possibility, however slight, that you might be right, and it would be a pity if it didn't reach me.
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
The WORD, #4.17, day 1.
Sorry about the late arrival today. No real excuse. Well, several, but none that I'm prepared to share with rebels. OK, WORD #4,16 was a straight WIN for OBSIDIAN - who PMd SAFETY well within the time limit. CONGRATULATIONS to her.
For your next challenge, I've chosen
WinkSad ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ SadWink

The real question is, who will win - the Feds or the rebels?
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
How about we begin with poor Gan's role in the crew by the time we reach Season 2...WAITER
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.
"Time really is getting short, you know..."
The WORD, #4,17, day2
Is it only Tuesday? Seems to have been a long week already. OK, HONEST WAITER? Unlikely. Among rebels, anyway.
WinkSad ___ {O,A} [N] [E] ___ [R] SadWink

I think that's all I can give you so far. And it's quite enough for the first day.
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
The WORD, #4.17, day 3
And we have a winner! BLUEYH has PM'd ORANGE, which as we all know, is the colour of the big ORANGE swirly thing in space that keeps appearing when our heroes fly past.
And a few other things besides. So CONGRATULATIONS to him, and here's your bonus WORD:
WinkSad ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ SadWink

"You're not sulking, I hope?"
"Time really is getting short, you know..."
The WORD, #4.17b, day 4
I may have to resort to longer words. You're getting too good at this. NAPIER gives you two greens already.
WinkSad ___ [A] ___ ___ [E] [R] SadWink

"You're not sulking, I hope?"
The WORD, #4.17b, day 5
HA! I got here before any of you, so you're stuck with the clues you had yesterday. Not that I'm struggling to find ways to win, you understand. Anyway,
WinkSad ___ [A] ___ ___ [E] [R] SadWink

"You're not sulking, I hope?"
"Time really is getting short, you know..."
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