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Horizon Observatory visit

trevor travis wrote:

Surely the Chadbon TV spectacular must be finished by now. They could follow us down and Groucho could save us once more! (we really need a Groucho smiley Grin ).

1. Even if they follow us down, they won't know where we are.
2. There is a reason why I left them on the ship. They have an important job to do, as you will see in a little while.
3. I bet Paula recorded the whole TC night and is rewatching it now with the pause button poised (especially the film mentioned in the last panel of strip 616...).

trevor travis wrote:

Nelson will choke to death on a pringle, years before Waterloo

Nelson?? Waterloo???
Oh dear, I fear the changes in history are already beginnng...

littlesue wrote:

Therefore, I shall make sure I eat every single one of those there Prawn Cocktail Pringles.
Aren't I brave???

Don't keep them all for yourself! Be kind and share them with OSP!

Hugbot wrote:

trevor travis wrote:

Nelson will choke to death on a pringle, years before Waterloo

Nelson?? Waterloo???
Oh dear, I fear the changes in history are already beginnng...

I’m more concerned that Wellington would no longer exist to lead us to victory at Trafalgar.
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.

Hugbot wrote:

littlesue wrote:

Therefore, I shall make sure I eat every single one of those there Prawn Cocktail Pringles.
Aren't I brave???

Don't keep them all for yourself! Be kind and share them with OSP!

Oh well...if you insist......
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
trevor travis

BlueyH wrote:

Hugbot wrote:

trevor travis wrote:

Nelson will choke to death on a pringle, years before Waterloo

Nelson?? Waterloo???
Oh dear, I fear the changes in history are already beginnng...

I’m more concerned that Wellington would no longer exist to lead us to victory at Trafalgar.

There's that too! Grin

Ooops, I perhaps got my battles a little confused. Unfortunately, it's over 35 years since I got an A in history - I've lost too many brain cells in the meantime!
Vote Og.
trevor travis

I've worked out a cunning plan as to how we can escape:
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd

trevor travis wrote:

I got an A in history

Clearly not your best spelling test result.

So, wait until the guards thrust their hips. I see a tiny flaw in that plan...
I look exactly as Avon reasoned I would.
Well that should go well!!
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.
trevor travis
It looks like the strip could be going out with a bang! Grin Grin
Vote Og.
trevor travis

BlueyH wrote:

So, wait until the guards thrust their hips. I see a tiny flaw in that plan...

So you're saying I'm not going to land the job of Professor Of Cunning at Oxford University?
Vote Og.
ellen york
We could combine dancing for the pharaoh and explosives (like the bonding ceremony in Ultraworld) but that is probably an even worse idea. Hope everyone brought ear protection and a hard hat. A small controlled explosion is too much to hope for with this crew.
Joe Dredd

"You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"
Joe Dredd
Lurena could dance for Pharaoh, then when he's so impressed he offers her a big reward, she could ask for everyone's head on a plate. Then, when the platters with the heads are brought out, everyone could - being only heads - jump off and run away.
trevor travis

What we really need is a chocolate fountain Wink ... and some brussels Grin
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd
Quick TT! Set up the portable TV, Blu-ray player and B7 S1 set you always carry around under your hat.

Marmalade sandwiches? Pshaw! Strictly for amateurs.
trevor travis

Joe Dredd wrote:

Quick TT! Set up the portable TV, Blu-ray player and B7 S1 set you always carry around under your hat.

Marmalade sandwiches? Pshaw! Strictly for amateurs.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I got rid of all that stuff under my hat to replace it with a supply of meat feast pizzas and a couple of bottles of ketchup.
Vote Og.

trevor travis wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

Quick TT! Set up the portable TV, Blu-ray player and B7 S1 set you always carry around under your hat.

Marmalade sandwiches? Pshaw! Strictly for amateurs.

I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I got rid of all that stuff under my hat to replace it with a supply of meat feast pizzas and a couple of bottles of ketchup.

Typical, although, we actually got an explanation this time from TT. That's a first!
Resist the Host

Joe Dredd
Weird? (Splutter, splutter!) What's weird about the pronunciation of Slough, Cirencester, Warwick, Leicester, and Cholmondeley?

Joe Dredd wrote:

Weird? (Splutter, splutter!) What's weird about the pronunciation of Slough, Cirencester, Warwick, Leicester, and Cholmondeley?

Or Tucson and Arkansas. Weird pronunciation is not just a British thing.
Joe Dredd
Not to mention that you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway. Shipments go by car, but cargo goes by ship. When doctors work, they call it practice. "Phonetic" isn't spelt the way it sounds, and "monosyllabic" isn't. You can be ruthless but not have the characteristic of ruth. We used to wind up our watches to make them go but wind up a meeting to make it stop. Overtones and undertones can be the same thing. You can see the stars when they are out, but you can't see traffic lights when they are out.

Not to mention all the proverbial contradictions like "Many hands make light work" but "Too many cooks spoil the broth", "Actions speak louder than words" but "The pen is mightier than the sword", etc. On a side note, my favourite has to be "It's always in the last place you look." Well, of course - after that you stop looking! What kind of fool would say "It was in the second-last place I looked!"?

And of course, all the homonyms - "the bandage was wound around the wound", "After a number of injections my arm was even number", "The sewer dropped her sewing down the sewer", "The farmer produced produce", and so on.
trevor travis

Joe Dredd wrote:

Weird? (Splutter, splutter!) What's weird about the pronunciation of Slough, Cirencester, Warwick, Leicester, and Cholmondeley?

Ci-ren-ces-ter seems about right to me. Not sure about the others, though Shock
Vote Og.
trevor travis

Joe Dredd wrote:

Not to mention that you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway. Shipments go by car, but cargo goes by ship. When doctors work, they call it practice. "Phonetic" isn't spelt the way it sounds, and "monosyllabic" isn't. You can be ruthless but not have the characteristic of ruth. We used to wind up our watches to make them go but wind up a meeting to make it stop. Overtones and undertones can be the same thing. You can see the stars when they are out, but you can't see traffic lights when they are out.

Not to mention all the proverbial contradictions like "Many hands make light work" but "Too many cooks spoil the broth", "Actions speak louder than words" but "The pen is mightier than the sword", etc. On a side note, my favourite has to be "It's always in the last place you look." Well, of course - after that you stop looking! What kind of fool would say "It was in the second-last place I looked!"?

And of course, all the homonyms - "the bandage was wound around the wound", "After a number of injections my arm was even number", "The sewer dropped her sewing down the sewer", "The farmer produced produce", and so on.

Wellington lost his eye (poked out by an arrow) and his life in the battle of Agincourt to protect the vagaries of the British language, warts and all! Pfft Cool
Vote Og.

Hugbot wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

Weird? (Splutter, splutter!) What's weird about the pronunciation of Slough, Cirencester, Warwick, Leicester, and Cholmondeley?

Or Tucson and Arkansas. Weird pronunciation is not just a British thing.

We Yanks can't explain it either. Kansas is pronounced 'Kan-zess', but Arkansas, is 'Ark-en- saw'. Go figure. Yeah, even Tucson is a name to ponder. 'Two- san'. There's a city in Illinois called Cairo, as in Egypt, but it's pronounced 'Kay-row'. I can try to explain all the Native American Indian names here but we'd be going for hours.
Resist the Host

I once worked in a Reception class (4-year olds) who were being taught about number names. I felt their pain. Their teacher told them to write the, two.... But - how can '1' start with 'O' ??? Why isn't it 'W'?? And then why does '2' have a 'W' at all?? THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE!
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
trevor travis

M1795537OCVirn wrote:

I once worked in a Reception class (4-year olds) who were being taught about number names. I felt their pain. Their teacher told them to write the, two.... But - how can '1' start with 'O' ??? Why isn't it 'W'?? And then why does '2' have a 'W' at all?? THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE!

Don't think about to and two too much!
Vote Og.
PS. How'd you say Blawith, then? (village near the southern end of Coniston Water). Or - scourge of the American tourist - Keswick. And don't even get me started on Aspatria. It gets worse as you go even further north - Milngavie, anyone?
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
Joe Dredd

M1795537OCVirn wrote:

I once worked in a Reception class (4-year olds) who were being taught about number names. I felt their pain.

That reminds me of Dave Allen's brilliant routine about teaching children to tell the time: Click here!
Joe Dredd

trevor travis wrote:

Wellington lost his eye (poked out by an arrow) and his life in the battle of Agincourt to protect the vagaries of the British language, warts and all! :P B)

Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die in vain?

Paula wrote:

Hugbot wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

Weird? (Splutter, splutter!) What's weird about the pronunciation of Slough, Cirencester, Warwick, Leicester, and Cholmondeley?

Or Tucson and Arkansas. Weird pronunciation is not just a British thing.

We Yanks can't explain it either. Kansas is pronounced 'Kan-zess', but Arkansas, is 'Ark-en- saw'. Go figure. Yeah, even Tucson is a name to ponder. 'Two- san'. There's a city in Illinois called Cairo, as in Egypt, but it's pronounced 'Kay-row'. I can try to explain all the Native American Indian names here but we'd be going for hours.

And don't get me started on Albuquerque.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
Joe Dredd
"I knew we should've turned left at Albuquerque!"

M1795537OCVirn wrote:

Milngavie, anyone?

I thought I'd never hear that name again!
Yonks ago, my friends and I were in Scotland, and for some reason, we had to take a bus to Milngavie. The bus stops at our starting point (wherever that was) were rather confusing. However, there were to nice elderly ladies waiting, and we asked them if this was the bus stop for the bus to mill-gay-vee.
'Ye-e-e-s,' they replied, 'but actually, it is pronounced mill-guy.'
'Huh?' said we. 'Why?'
'Nobody knows,' they had to admit, 'it's just the way it is.'
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