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Roj Bear
On the previous website, we had a thread dedicated to Avon's teddy, and I thought I'd start one here, too, for tradition's sake - and since the B7 Classic section is still empty (which is a bit weird considering that this is a B7 website!).

Among others, the former thread contained lots of screenshots by Lurena depicting Roj Bear to prove that he really was in all episodes (with the possible exception of TWB), even if you didn't manage to spot him!

I am looking forward to pictures, stories and lively discussions about the second-most important B7 character (after Og)!

My first contribution is the re-posting of a story I came up with as an answer to the former thread's title, 'What happened to Avon's teddy bear?' (Incidentally, that was the very first piece of B7 fanfic I ever wrote!):

Roj Bear’s Finest Hour

The alarm echoed in the tracking gallery. The Federation troopers closed in on Avon. Slowly he raised his rifle, smiling.

No-one noticed the small fluffy bundle that fell down from his leather jacket.

With a gentle thud, Roj Bear touched down on the floor. He realised at once that something extraordinary had happened and required extraordinary measures. His master’s life was in danger! He could no longer indulge in playing the mute toy and cuddly comforter.

The troopers were only concerned with Avon and did not take heed of the little soft lump that scuttled past them. The floor was strewn with bodies and weapons. Roj Bear headed for the next of the Scorpio guns, grabbed it and looked for cover. The only one in the vicinity that he could find was Vila’s body. He crawled behind him, heaved up the weapon and placed it on Vila’s stomach.

Vila opened an eye and gave him a disapproving look. Having successully faked death, he was not very keen on being used as cover. But with the ruthlessness he had learned from his master, Roj Bear took aim and pulled the trigger.

Who else do you think fired the shots that you hear when the end credits roll?
Ha, Huggy, thank you, you got ahead of me!
I Love your RB story.
This thread really should not be missing on this new forum,
I also planned to post the Roj Bear thread again (yes, I saved that thread), since I was the one who started that Roj Bear thread on the previous forums.
I will re-post a lot of it, if you like.
To start with, here's the inseparable couple:
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Being a relative newcomer here and though I have asked this question before but have forgotten the answer (I have the memory of a space goldfish): what's with the teddy bear? Grin
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

OneSparePart wrote:

Being a relative newcomer here and though I have asked this question before but have forgotten the answer (I have the memory of a space goldfish): what's with the teddy bear? Grin

This all started with the filming of Series 3. The theory was spread among the cast and crew (started by make-up lady Sheelagh Wells) that the reason Avon was such a grump was because somebody had stolen his teddy bear.

So, when the Avon/Blake scene on Terminal was shot, it was arranged that when Gareth says the line: "Careful, Avon, your sentiment is showing", a teddy bear would rise into shot. This happened, and Paul's glorious reaction was filmed and can be seen on the B7 Blooper Reel here: B7 Bloopers (it's the last Blooper on the end)
There is no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes

Lurena wrote:

I will re-post a lot of it, if you like.

Yes, please!

By the way, on the morning after I started this thread I took the following screenshot:
The Views figures clearly show the order of appreciation of our heroes - Roj Bear is in the lead, with Avon and Villa following and Blake carrying the lanterne rouge.

Well, that could be due to a sample of insufficient size during the initial phase. However, several days later the trend has become even more obvious (now even with Vila being clearly ahead of Avon!):
@OSP, here's a snippet of the scene in which Avon's Teddy makes his debut.
-Blake: Careful, Avon. Your sentiment is showing.-

Teddy became famous among some fans here and got honoured with the name Roj Bear.

@Huggy Don't worry all ( and more) RB stuff will be re-posted.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
So here goes:
Roj Bear, he can be seen very briefly, but he is already in the first episode. Apparently convicted of complicity in bank fraud and sentenced to the penal colony planet.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Space Fall:
Blake, Jenna, Avon and Roj Bear enter Liberator's flight deck.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
I am convinced that, from the start, it was actually Roj Bear who took the lead over in order to obtain the Liberator.
The little brown fluffy lad had big dreams!
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
It was a special day, yesterday 14 February, for some people.
And it seems that in the Third Century of the Second Bear Calendar this date is also noted as special ...

(my first ever manipulated photo image which was posted on the previous, previous forum)
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Good to see the Roj Bear photos again!
Or even for the first time... I can't remember having ever seen the one from TWB.
In any case, keep them coming. One can never have too much of Roj Bear on a B7 website.

I think that somewhere on some backup medium I still have the (real!) Roj Bear screenshot from Sapphire & Steel...
In the first few episodes, Avon had reserved a special place for Roj Bear in his costumes. Because neither Avon nor Roj Bear trusted anyone, Avon usually carried Roj Bear with him for safety. Roj was sometimes visible by chance which provoked reactions from the other crew members who didn't know what to think of it and therefore kept quiet.
In Cygnus Alpha, Jenna was distracted by RB and struggled to keep her facial expression neutral.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
And what about the much-discussed first encounter with Cally in Time Squad? Those looks from Cally to Avon? See the real reason here!

And Cally finds out: ~That's intriguing! That little bear has telepathic abilities!~
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
In "The Web", after Blake was teleported down and Gan left to look after Cally, you could have seen Avon set the co-ordinates for a teddyteleport experiment which happened at Roj Bear's request. (according to Avon...)
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
I especially love the photo of Cally looking to Avon's teddy. It cracked me up, Lurena.
Resist the Host

Wonderful Lurena! It seems obvious once you show us. Roj Bear was there all the time. Avon and Roj Bear entering the Liberator and Cally and Jenna looking at him tucked down Avon's tabard are priceless.
Don't philosophise at me you electronic moron.
Bear Power!
In Seek-Locate-Destroy it was actually Roj Bear who broke the last connection, bent the metal sheet and pushed the cipher machine free so Gan could grab it.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Hugbot, Paula and Obsidian, I'm happy to see you enjoy Roj Bear's presence here.
And there is a lot more to come and to tell about Avon's Teddy.
Keep an eye on this thread.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Lurena, I am also enjoying the adventures of Rojbear. I have heard so much about them, it's great to see them now.
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

OneSparePart wrote:

Lurena, I am also enjoying the adventures of Rojbear. I have heard so much about them, it's great to see them now.

Thank you OSP, you're welcome.
Hold your breath, here comes a rather shocking revelation...
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
... No one can deny it: Roj Bear is a hero!

In “Mission to Destiny”, it was not Avon who knocked Sara down.
The images of the scene are rather dark, but if you light them up, you can see what really happened.
Avon only made a well directed bear throw and Roj Bear completed the job.

However, Roj Bear did not come out of his fight unscathed.
Avon expressed his concerns about this to Cally only, because she had never spoken out loud to the rest of the crew that she actually found dragging a teddy around a bit childish, if not hilarious.
As a caring crew member she put a wound plaster on the bear’s little head and (with a suppressed laugh) asked Avon if he was reassured now.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Kung fu panda has a rival! Now that one really made me laugh.
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
I loooove the ongoing adventures of Roj Bear! Good to see not only some of the pictures rescued from the previous website but also new material! I am laughing my socks of, and it's hard to pick a favourite. This is becoming my favourite thread.
I have highlighted another example for you here.

In "Duel" Roj Bear was nicked by Blake for the first time, which provoked outrage from Jenna:
"Blake! You can't do that! Avon will feel very unhappy..."

And indeed, Avon was deeply saddened now that he couldn't find his teddy.

"But it's for our safety Jenna!" Blake had objected, "If I can beat Travis with a good throw..."
"You will never succeed, you probably don't have such a bear-feeling as Avon." Jenna was convinced of that.

So Roj Bear made himself useful in a different way. It was he who freed Jenna in time, but he did not interfere with Blake, he let Blake fight his own battle.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Roj Bear to the rescue!
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
Roj Bear, so guess he is No.1 on the Federation wanted list before Blake rigged that poll! Pfft

So wonder Bayban was so hacked off!
My gang gets free extra strong mints for the rest of their lives!
Oh Lurena. Just when I needed a good laugh. You are brilliant
Play the hand fate deals you.
I'm happy to see that Roj makes so many people smile.
However, he and Avon take his actions very seriously.

So keep watching this thread and see what happened in the episode "Project Avalon" when this call came in:

*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Excellent, Lurena. Made me laugh out loud again!
Resist the Host

It sounded in the episode "Project Avalon".

Avon jumped up from his flight console and speeded to the teleport bay, closely followed by a curious Cally.

"What's going on? Blake, Jenna and Vila, are they in distress down there?"
"No, no, none of that, Cally, it's my little bear calling to be teleported up." Avon replied as he hastily set the coordinates on the teleport console. "At Roj Bear’s request, I had been playing with him in the teleport, but due to that alarming notification of approaching Federation interceptors I forgot to teleport him back."
Avon flipped the switches.

Cally couldn't believe her ears, "Playing with the teleport … Come on Avon, grow up, you can't … "

"Oh yes, I can."

Avon leaned back with a relaxed smile, "Ahhh, thank goodness , there he is again..."

Back on the flight deck, Cally telepathed ~ok,ok, don't worry, I won't say anything about it to the others!~
Edited by Lurena on 17-03-2022 02:43
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
I love this.

Thank you! You're welcome!
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*

Breakdown opens with a telling view into the universe.
Undeniable proof that Avon's teddy plays an important role in the Blakes 7 series.
Did you ever notice?
In the opening scene you see the constellation Little Bear (Ursa Minor)!
(I marked it with lines for you)
It is true that you miss the star at the top, named Polaris (α Ursae Minoris, also called the North Star, or Pole Star).
But that makes sense, because the view is not from Earth, but from a different position in space.
Roj Bear likes to share a little secret with you:
Avon doesn't know as much about computers as you might think; it is therefore Roj Bear who gives instructions and also chooses the right proddy tool to hand over to Avon…
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Roj Bear apologises, he was sent to Earth to fetch some computer parts for Avon.
But he got so confused by the crowds there that he didn't think about asking for teleport and got stuck in the extremely long and chaotic security queues at an airport. He promises to be back soon here! -Bearport queue
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Poor Roj Bear- being stuck at the airport. I hope you have all of your jabs, Roj Bear!
Resist the Host

We have come to the episode of Bounty:

There wasn't much action for Roj Bear in this episode and to pass the time, the teddy bear, taking the title of the episode quite literally, had placed an order at Space Tesco.

Not much to the delight of Avon, who feared that he would soon have to go to Space Dental Care.
Roj, however, insisted on sharing his candy bar with Avon.
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Lurena, these are brilliant!
There is no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes
Roj bear has a sweet he a honey bear?
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
Lurena, you are making me laugh out loud. What will happen to poor Roj Bear next? Pray what would happen if 'Delephant' is taken away from Tom Chadbon??
Edited by Paula on 17-06-2022 20:36
Resist the Host


Paula wrote:

Pray what would happen if 'Delephant' is taken away from Tom Chadbon??

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
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