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Horizon Observatory visit
trevor travis
Og wants to know if he can play the Minotaur at the centre of the maze!
Vote Og.
trevor travis

Groucho has his own helmet and oxygen supply!
Vote Og.

trevor travis wrote:

Groucho has his own helmet and oxygen supply!

He would!
Resist the Host


trevor travis wrote:

Og wants to know if he can play the Minotaur at the centre of the maze!

Interesting idea...
Joe Dredd
This didn't quite work out right, as "Og" has somehow turned into O.G., but here it is anyway:

Click: The Adventures of Hairy Og, then click the picture on the left.

Joe Dredd wrote:

This didn't quite work out right, as "Og" has somehow turned into O.G., but here it is anyway:

Click: The Adventures of Hairy Og, then click the picture on the left.

Love it!!
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.
Og, Og, he's our er. man,
If he can't do it no one can!
Resist the Host

Og song > Om song
Joe, I'm speechless!
Joe Dredd
I think the Selenites are my favourite design of all the aliens, though the snow flake people are probably next and, without looking back, the creatures that were outside and mistaken for landscape (I'm probably misremembering.) Anyway, it's the night cap and pipe that really make it.

Now I'm imagining:

TT teaching Og. They have toy cows in front of them. A telescope is nearby.
TT: "These are small, but the ones on Earth are far, far away."
Og looks through the telescope and sees cows on Earth, far, far away. They look just like the toy cows (pose, patterns, etc.)
Og can't tell the difference. He gets cross and throws the toy cows away. "Bah!"
We then see the three toy cows sailing over the heads of the little Selenites; one little cow above each moon head. The Selenites are looking up at them, alarmed.
Joe Dredd
PS "50 tons! It's a deal!"

Is that 50 tons of Earthshine or are they buying the Earthshine with 50 tons of muck?

Joe Dredd wrote:

I think the Selenites are my favourite design of all the aliens, though the snow flake people are probably next and, without looking back, the creatures that were outside and mistaken for landscape (I'm probably misremembering.) Anyway, it's the night cap and pipe that really make it.

Thank you. My favourite aliens are probably the Jovians, but I had great fun in letting the Selenites reappear. And the Martian rock creatures from episodes 252 and 256 (no, you are not misremembering) will also make another appearance on Pluto.

Joe Dredd wrote:

Now I'm imagining:

TT teaching Og. They have toy cows in front of them. A telescope is nearby. [...]


Joe Dredd wrote:

Is that 50 tons of Earthshine or are they buying the Earthshine with 50 tons of muck?

I leave that to the imagination of the readers!
Joe Dredd
Ah! I'm glad we found out what those hatches are.

I didn't realise they were hatches until now. My best guess was that it was a computer that was 'asleep'. One of the characters would say something and then they'd all be shocked when a voice unexpectedly comes from the grey square, which has now opened its 'eyes' (just above what looked to me like a mouth).

Joe Dredd wrote:

Ah! I'm glad we found out what those hatches are.

I was wondering if anyone wondered about the grey squares. I needed them for episode 334 so I made sure that they were already in place the first time we saw one of the interfacing windows in the conference maze.

But I like your idea about an innocuous shape suddenly opening its hidden eyes...

Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

littlesue wrote:


Oh no! Not an intergalactic incident? Quick, someone get some Revel candies or Lindor chocolates, that will fix it.
Resist the Host


The 5th Doctor is going to be cross about this!
Resist the Host


Paula wrote:

The 5th Doctor is going to be cross about this!

The Celery Men are cross with the 5th Doctor!
ellen york
Edible? At this point I am more worried about sentient. I don't think the mushroom men will be happy to become pizza toppings.

Joe Dredd wrote:

This didn't quite work out right, as "Og" has somehow turned into O.G., but here it is anyway:

Click: The Adventures of Hairy Og, then click the picture on the left.

Og song good Pfft
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

ellen york wrote:

Edible? At this point I am more worried about sentient. I don't think the mushroom men will be happy to become pizza toppings.

You were right to be worried.
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.
OG song very good, OSP.
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
Joe Dredd

OneSparePart wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

This didn't quite work out right, as "Og" has somehow turned into O.G., but here it is anyway:

Click: The Adventures of Hairy Og, then click the picture on the left.

Og song good :P

Thanks OSP (and MC Virn).

I can remember playing with my mum's typewriter as a young boy. Wow! It's like I'm making a real book! Fast forward to today and there's so much powerful, amazing technology at our fingertips.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Here's "Countdown - The Musical". The last two songs are best. The others - meh.

To Win is to Lose - In their bunker, Federation decides to abandon Albian.

When the World will Turn to Dust - the rebels realise it was not a bluff.

Mercenary Man - Need help? You need Del Grant.

Running Out of Time - Avon is shot collecting the exit visas.

And now we return you to your regularly-scheduled cartoons.

ellen york wrote:

Edible? At this point I am more worried about sentient. I don't think the mushroom men will be happy to become pizza toppings.

Thank you very much for this comment! I have the strips planned several weeks in advance but when I read your comment, it gave me the idea for a string of mushroom-related strips, which I squeezed in.

Joe Dredd wrote:

And now we return you to your regularly-scheduled cartoons.

Speaking of the regular schedule: I will be away for the weekend, so there won't be any updates on Saturday and Sunday. I thought I'd let you know well in advance so that OgFromBucol2 can dip his stick in tar again and come to the rescue of those who would otherwise suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Joe Dredd wrote:

OneSparePart wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

This didn't quite work out right, as "Og" has somehow turned into O.G., but here it is anyway:

Click: The Adventures of Hairy Og, then click the picture on the left.

Og song good Pfft

Thanks OSP (and MC Virn).

I can remember playing with my mum's typewriter as a young boy. Wow! It's like I'm making a real book! Fast forward to today and there's so much powerful, amazing technology at our fingertips.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Here's "Countdown - The Musical". The last two songs are best. The others - meh.

To Win is to Lose - In their bunker, Federation decides to abandon Albian.

When the World will Turn to Dust - the rebels realise it was not a bluff.

Mercenary Man - Need help? You need Del Grant.

Running Out of Time - Avon is shot collecting the exit visas.

And now we return you to your regularly-scheduled cartoons.

When will the Lp be available in the record shops?
These are just fab
I'd just like to say I love mushrooms- to eat them, to ponder them, they are magical to me. And these giant mushrooms make me think back fondly of one of my favorite films - Journey to the Center of the Earth- and my favorite bit is when they encounter the huge mushrooms that they can not only eat, but use as shoe leather and the stalks to make a raft. How I'd love to live in a place with mushrooms like that! Thanks Hugbot! Made my day.

And Joe- Countdown, the Musical? The mind boggles. What we need is Avon and Grant to stop what they are doing, do a bit of a song and dance, perhaps the old soft shoe as they call it, and we'd be laughing for days.
Resist the Host

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