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Horizon Observatory visit

Hugbot wrote:

Brad wrote:

Lorna wrote:

I laughed a lot at this!!!

Me, too.

Thank, that is good to hear!

I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.
Joe Dredd

There's a website called Garfield Minus Garfield, which erases Garfield the cat and his thoughts from the daily comic strip, on the basis cats can't really talk, meaning that everything that happens in the strip is really a projection of Jon, the lonely human.

I don't know why I mention it and it has nothing to do with the fact that TT now seems to be best friends with Og and a ghost.
trevor travis

littlesue wrote:

I'm sure that Patrick Moore on The Sky at Night, never, ever mentioned that constellation!

He couldn't see it, that's why. It made his monocle steam up.
Edited by trevor travis on 25-07-2023 14:19
Vote Og.

trevor travis wrote:

littlesue wrote:

I'm sure that Patrick Moore on The Sky at Night, never, ever mentioned that constellation!

We couldn't see it, that's why. It made his monocle steam up.

Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
These are soooo good!
Cheering me up after a far too serious and busy day!
Love the ones with Lorna with her radiation hazard cap!
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Lara&Sue's Blake's 7 stories will be back soon at a new website!
click here to see my heartfelt tribute to Paul Darrow, Kerr Avon Forever

Lorna wrote:


It's great fun to do these strips, and I am glad that I can contribute to a lively Horizon culture. I still have ideas, and Joe also supplies lots of ideas and scripts. While I don't know how long I will be able to continue with daily updates, the next strips are already planned up to episode 61.

By the way, I was also thinking about reviving CH4, the whacky 'methane comic strip' I drew about 40 years ago, focussing on the exploits of two methane breathing aliens. While I am tempted, I loath the required effort (the storylines are much longer and the graphics are more involved). However, I already did a quick sketch of the heroes:

What do you think?
Edited by Hugbot on 26-07-2023 06:53

Joe Dredd wrote:

There's a website called Garfield Minus Garfield, which erases Garfield the cat and his thoughts from the daily comic strip, on the basis cats can't really talk, meaning that everything that happens in the strip is really a projection of Jon, the lonely human.

I don't know why I mention it and it has nothing to do with the fact that TT now seems to be best friends with Og and a ghost.

Don't worry. While today's installment again features TT and the ghost, we will soon see our hero talk to his Horizon friends again. And the ghost is not just a projection.

trevor travis wrote:

littlesue wrote:

I'm sure that Patrick Moore on The Sky at Night, never, ever mentioned that constellation!

He couldn't see it, that's why. It made his monocle steam up.


Lurena wrote:

These are soooo good!
Cheering me up after a far too serious and busy day!
Love the ones with Lorna with her radiation hazard cap!

Thank you! Good to know that I could cheer you up a litte.
That’s great, Hugbot. Grin
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Hugbot, whatever you want to do on this site, the more the better. The comics have been a huge success and I am intrigued by the methane breather comics too. More, please.
Resist the Host

Huggy, loathe as I am to pay you a compliment...Grin... you are doing brilliant work here. I wish I had even a pinch of your imagination and artistry...keep up the good work and the more the merrier!

Joe Dredd, you started something great here. So you keep the ideas coming too. Top marks.

This forum is a very special place.

Ok enough with the nice talk...GrinAngryAngryAngry
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
ellen york

Hugbot wrote:

Lorna wrote:


It's great fun to do these strips, and I am glad that I can contribute to a lively Horizon culture. I still have ideas, and Joe also supplies lots of ideas and scripts. While I don't know how long I will be able to continue with daily updates, the next strips are already planned up to episode 61.

By the way, I was also thinking about reviving CH4, the whacky 'methane comic strip' I drew about 40 years ago, focussing on the exploits of two methane breathing aliens. While I am tempted, I loath the required effort (the storylines are much longer and the graphics are more involved). However, I already did a quick sketch of the heroes:

What do you think?

I think this falls under "you know you are a chemist when..." Methane comic strip made me wonder if the characters were ball-and-stick molecular models.
Joe Dredd
Huggy, the colouring and shading on your Methane figures is excellent. I also love that they are not defined by solid continuous outlines but by a series of fine strokes.

That said, Yrgh looks too happy for his name. "Yrgh!" is what I imagine you might say when you are drawing panel 153 and realise you are only halfway!

NerdyTeenGirl wrote:

That’s great, Hugbot. Grin

Thank you!

Paula wrote:

Hugbot, whatever you want to do on this site, the more the better. The comics have been a huge success and I am intrigued by the methane breather comics too. More, please.

Thank you, that is very encouraging.
Besides drawing new batches of Observatory strips, I am also doing some preparatory sketches and planning for CH4; however, I can't yet tell where that will lead. In this respect, CH4 is a bit like Gandalf and Galen: expect it when you see it.

OneSparePart wrote:

Huggy, loathe as I am to pay you a compliment...Grin... you are doing brilliant work here. I wish I had even a pinch of your imagination and artistry...keep up the good work and the more the merrier!

A compliment from you??? What have I done wrong? Wink
But seriously, many thanks. It feels good to make my fellow Horizonists happy.

OneSparePart wrote:

Joe Dredd, you started something great here.

I can't stress this enough. I absolutely love to play in the universe that Joe created. Many thanks for that, Joe!

Joe Dredd wrote:

Huggy, the colouring and shading on your Methane figures is excellent.

Thank you. (Version 2.0 of Clip Studio Paint now comes with an integrated Shading Assistant, but please don't tell anyone... Wink )

Joe Dredd wrote:

I also love that they are not defined by solid continuous outlines but by a series of fine strokes.

I've been experimenting with this style for a while now and I found that it really suits me. This way, I can draw with much more confident strokes than by painstakingly drawing solid outlines, resulting in a much more vivid shape. The only drawback is that I have to close the lines on an invisible additional layer to facilitate colouring.

Joe Dredd wrote:

That said, Yrgh looks too happy for his name.

Exactly! That's part of the joke. Yrgh is a bit of a cheerful pessimist (if that makes sense).

Joe Dredd wrote:

"Yrgh!" is what I imagine you might say when you are drawing panel 153 and realise you are only halfway!

After reading this comment, I actually counted the panels in the 40 years old original. There were 137 panels, and I haven't the faintest idea when or how the storyline was supposed to end! (And true to his name, Yrgh is graphically sea-sick in the last panel I ever drew...)
Edited by Hugbot on 27-07-2023 07:32

ellen york wrote:

I think this falls under "you know you are a chemist when..." Methane comic strip made me wonder if the characters were ball-and-stick molecular models.

A comic strip with ball-and-stick molecular models as heroes? Hmmm, now there's an idea! Problem is that I already have too many story ideas buzzing around in my head.

And speaking of "you know you are a chemist when...":
Edited by Hugbot on 27-07-2023 07:21
Even a long night in a haunted hotel room comes to an end! A new dawn breaks, and we are having breakfast:
Now that's a line that needs using more often...if I only knew how to pronounce the words...Smile
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
trevor travis
I stretch as far as Sodium Chloride = Salt Grin
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd
"Johnny was a little boy,
but Johnny is no more.
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4."

Joe Dredd wrote:

"Johnny was a little boy,
but Johnny is no more.
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4."


ellen york wrote:

Methane comic strip made me wonder if the characters were ball-and-stick molecular models.
Joe Dredd
For those who can only count six suitcases, don't worry - Huggy and Paula went to the same school as Terry Nation.

Darn it, President Solvite. He shows up for the first time in years only to eat the cookies.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Brad wrote:

Darn it, President Solvite. He shows up for the first time in years only to eat the cookies.

I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.

Hugbot wrote:

ellen york wrote:

Methane comic strip made me wonder if the characters were ball-and-stick molecular models.

Oh, my goodness! Very posh groan coming from me!
Resist the Host


Hugbot wrote:

ellen york wrote:

Methane comic strip made me wonder if the characters were ball-and-stick molecular models.

Infinite Face Palm (if only I could have found a GIF of Shakespeare face palming).

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Joe Dredd wrote:

For those who can only count six suitcases, don't worry - Huggy and Paula went to the same school as Terry Nation.

Shhh! Don't make Paula think she can get away with bringing only six suitcases of biscuits to the next con! Wink
After a hearty breakfast, we went on another trip to the art gallery:
Edited by Hugbot on 30-07-2023 12:52
Joe Dredd
Can we just take a moment to admire Hugbot's brilliant recreations of all of these works of art, and in keeping with the 'only a head' design of the strip? Apart from the humour, and the affection he clearly has for the group, his talent here is just fantastic.

Joe Dredd wrote:

Can we just take a moment to admire Hugbot's brilliant recreations of all of these works of art, and in keeping with the 'only a head' design of the strip? Apart from the humour, and the affection he clearly has for the group, his talent here is just fantastic.

But he is costing me a small fortune in keyboards!!!!! Grin
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Joe Dredd wrote:

Can we just take a moment to admire Hugbot's brilliant recreations of all of these works of art, and in keeping with the 'only a head' design of the strip? Apart from the humour, and the affection he clearly has for the group, his talent here is just fantastic.

Thank you! *blush*

littlesue wrote:

But he is costing me a small fortune in keyboards!!!!! Grin

Brad, TT, Joe and I have heavily invested in shares of keyboard companies and conspired to increase sales.
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