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Horizon Observatory visit

It wasn't me, guv. J'nes parlez par La French Lingo.
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Hugbot wrote:

littlesue wrote:

But he is costing me a small fortune in keyboards!!!!! Grin

Brad, TT, Joe and I have heavily invested in shares of keyboard companies and conspired to increase sales.

Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
trevor travis

Hugbot wrote:

littlesue wrote:

But he is costing me a small fortune in keyboards!!!!! Grin

Brad, TT, Joe and I have heavily invested in shares of keyboard companies and conspired to increase sales.

Shush, don't tell Sue our masterplan! Grin
Vote Og.
trevor travis

Hugbot wrote:

After a hearty breakfast, we went on another trip to the art gallery:

Actually not keen on Animals due to the Justin factor (boooo!), although the episode does have one (hairy and shaggy) saving grace Wink
Vote Og.
trevor travis

Grin Grin Grin

Definitely something an Avon lady would do!
Vote Og.
trevor travis

Shows Paula should stick to Welsh signs Wink
Vote Og.

trevor travis wrote:

Hugbot wrote:

littlesue wrote:

But he is costing me a small fortune in keyboards!!!!! Grin

Brad, TT, Joe and I have heavily invested in shares of keyboard companies and conspired to increase sales.

Shush, don't tell Sue our masterplan! Grin

Too late Mr Sneaky!!!
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
trevor travis

Love the hint in the title to the identity of the Norwegian tourist Grin
Vote Og.

Pfft I love Hagar the Horrible.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Brad wrote:

Pfft I love Hagar the Horrible.

Me too. My friends and I still like to quote "the great philosopher, Dik Browne".

Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
Joe Dredd

You've read my mind, Huggy. There's a newspaper comic strip from the 1960s called "Sam's Strip" - by Mort Walker ("Beetle Bailey") and Jerry Dumas - that used to work visits from other comic strip characters into their own daily strips. In one strip, for example, Blondie crosses past Sam and sidekick Silo on the way to her own daily cartoon. Hugbot's strips have been giving me the same sort of vibe and for a long time I've wondered how to have a recognisable comic character appear, without cribbing (say) the Blondie joke. Hugbot has not only done it, but done it well, and in fact, has already been bringing in famous faces such as the Cookie Monster and the Witch from Narnia. Huggy is a mind-reading wizard.

But, Hugbot, that doesn't let you off the hook. I see what you did with the cinema trip strip, suggesting all the unfettered graphic nudity was my idea. Nothing could be further from the truth! The words "unfettered graphic nudity" never passed my lips. "Unfettered artistic graphic nudity", yes, but not "unfettered graphic nudity"! (What will Editorial say? I think they will live up to their name and my 'ed will get 'it!)

Every time I read the words "in the nip", I can't help but hear it in Father Dougal's voice (from "Father Ted"). "Paul Darrow in the nip" needs to go on a t-shirt. It doesn't need pictures, just those words.
ellen york

And if it were a certain production of Cleopatra there would be a Huggylanche Wink

Joe Dredd wrote:

There's a newspaper comic strip from the 1960s called "Sam's Strip" - by Mort Walker ("Beetle Bailey") and Jerry Dumas - that used to work visits from other comic strip characters into their own daily strips.

Thanks for mentioning that. I looked up the strip - seems to be brilliant. From the few examples I read, the fourth wall gets shattered more often and more thoroughly than in an Advent Calendar story by TT!

Joe Dredd wrote:

I see what you did with the cinema trip strip, suggesting all the unfettered graphic nudity was my idea. Nothing could be further from the truth!

I thought I'd give you the complete writing credits as you did write the essential joke, even if I put it into a different context.

Joe Dredd wrote:

Every time I read the words "in the nip", I can't help but hear it in Father Dougal's voice (from "Father Ted").

Actually, the only times I ever heard the expression "in the nip" was in Father Ted.

Joe Dredd wrote:

"Paul Darrow in the nip" needs to go on a t-shirt. It doesn't need pictures, just those words.

I think certain ladies would insist on having a picture to go with the words!
Vila: "I'm in hell, and it is full of Avons."
Dougal: "The Avons were all in the nip!"
Edited by Hugbot on 03-08-2023 06:58

ellen york wrote:

And if it were a certain production of Cleopatra there would be a Huggylanche Wink

The transatlantic telepathy seems be working again:

Hugbot wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

There's a newspaper comic strip from the 1960s called "Sam's Strip" - by Mort Walker ("Beetle Bailey"Wink and Jerry Dumas - that used to work visits from other comic strip characters into their own daily strips.

Thanks for mentioning that. I looked up the strip - seems to be brilliant. From the few examples I read, the fourth wall gets shattered more often and more thoroughly than in an Advent Calendar story by TT!

Joe Dredd wrote:

I see what you did with the cinema trip strip, suggesting all the unfettered graphic nudity was my idea. Nothing could be further from the truth!

I thought I'd give you the complete writing credits as you did write the essential joke, even if I put it into a different context.

Joe Dredd wrote:

Every time I read the words "in the nip", I can't help but hear it in Father Dougal's voice (from "Father Ted"Wink.

Actually, the only times I ever heard the expression "in the nip" was in Father Ted.

Joe Dredd wrote:

"Paul Darrow in the nip" needs to go on a t-shirt. It doesn't need pictures, just those words.

I think certain ladies would insist on having a picture to go with the words!
Vila: "I'm in hell, and it is full of Avons."
Dougal: "The Avons were all in the nip!"

I have no idea to whom you are referring..................................................................Grin
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Hugbot wrote:

ellen york wrote:

And if it were a certain production of Cleopatra there would be a Huggylanche Wink

The transatlantic telepathy seems be working again:

which leads to: Frown

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Brad wrote:

which leads to: Frown

trevor travis

Grin Grin Grin

Although I'm sure the Avon ladies will be fine when they realise they saw quite a bit of Paul and they can imagine the rest Wink

I notice Paula has been missing for a few installments - is she busy watching THAT film with the Ginger Mercenary not wearing anything Grin
Vote Og.

Always know where your towel is.

Obligatory HHGTTG reference.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

trevor travis wrote:

Grin Grin Grin

Although I'm sure the Avon ladies will be fine when they realise they saw quite a bit of Paul and they can imagine the rest Wink

I notice Paula has been missing for a few installments - is she busy watching THAT film with the Ginger Mercenary not wearing anything Grin

If only! It was a play where Mr. C disrobed completely on stage- and I have the Players magazine with him on the front in the altogether, to prove it. Glass of water for poor Paula, please?
Resist the Host


Brad wrote:

Always know where your towel is.

Obligatory HHGTTG reference.

you beat me to it, dear husband! LOL
Resist the Host


Oh that takes me back. Horribly brilliant. Hagar would have been a great recuuring guest star on all the "goth" episodes of B7
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

trevor travis wrote:

Grin Grin Grin

Although I'm sure the Avon ladies will be fine when they realise they saw quite a bit of Paul and they can imagine the rest Wink

I notice Paula has been missing for a few installments - is she busy watching THAT film with the Ginger Mercenary not wearing anything Grin

Well...imagination eh? Hmmmmm...I'll have to think about that...and then have a cold shower....
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Brad wrote:

Always know where your towel is.

Brad, you are a real frood!

OneSparePart wrote:

Oh that takes me back. Horribly brilliant. Hagar would have been a great recuuring guest star on all the "goth" episodes of B7

Thanks. I am now trying to imagine Hägar as the Charl. I bet Jenna would have dumped Blake without second thought and stayed on Goth!
Although I fear Helga might become angry...
With our Avon ladies devastated, we went back to the hotel to find that the management had come up with a real treat for us:

Death better watch out for the elephant in the field....
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
trevor travis

Where's Rimmer to knee death in the balls when you need him?
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd
I'm enjoying all the costumes, Huggy.

And good to know that Death is a Wurzels fan.

Joe Dredd wrote:

I'm enjoying all the costumes, Huggy.

Thanks! I had great fun doing all the costume party strips.

Joe Dredd wrote:

And good to know that Death is a Wurzels fan.

Or maybe a fan of Brendan Grace? (Probably better known as Father Fintan Stack.)
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