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Spin-off Potential - YOU Decide!
Cygnus Bazza
I think we can all agree it's the bin for Justin. There's a man for whom 'straight to video' would have been an utterly deserved and, from the viewer's perspective, entirely welcome fate.
You shouldn't do that, should do that...
Krantor! Or more specifically Freedom City.

A rat hole city on the border between the Federation and another warlord empire, Freedom City attracts criminals, thrill-seekers and rebels.

The city must balance the demands of the federation against those of the warlord while trying to preserve its own freedom, often for people who don't deserve it.

Paula wrote:

I think Justin's back story would be the least popular. Mr. Creepy.

There's some good dialogue in that episode but it is really rough otherwise

dodgyville wrote:

Paula wrote:

I think Justin's back story would be the least popular. Mr. Creepy.

There's some good dialogue in that episode but it is really rough otherwise

I agree.
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
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