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Horizon Observatory visit

Kenneth Cope Mike Pratt...see what you did there.
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

OneSparePart wrote:

Well I am loving the reference to my fave Jethro Tull album....Twitch your whiskers, feel that you're really real....

Your taste in music is obviously better than your taste in crisp flavours!

OneSparePart wrote:

Kenneth Cope Mike Pratt...see what you did there.

I'm glad someone noticed!
ellen york
Is the green character still ill from the bad eels? And do I want to know what the starting material is for the green jewelry? That must be a well-equipped mobile lab that I have Smile

ellen york wrote:

Is the green character still ill from the bad eels?

Wait for episodes 82–85 when we send him to the doctor to find out what is really wrong with him!

ellen york wrote:

And do I want to know what the starting material is for the green jewelry?

Now that you mention it – isn't it strange that neither you nor Obsidian wears the green stuff?

ellen york wrote:

That must be a well-equipped mobile lab that I have Smile

Well, if Lorna can bring her portable nuclear reactor...

Hugbot wrote:

ellen york wrote:

Is the green character still ill from the bad eels?

Wait for episodes 82–85 when we send him to the doctor to find out what is really wrong with him!

ellen york wrote:

And do I want to know what the starting material is for the green jewelry?

Now that you mention it – isn't it strange that neither you nor Obsidian wears the green stuff?

ellen york wrote:

That must be a well-equipped mobile lab that I have Smile

Well, if Lorna can bring her portable nuclear reactor...

Now where did I put that?
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.
Joe Dredd
It's all good, Hugbot, so I'm just going to zoom in on a detail and say how much I love the font you chose for the "Purest Green" sign; also the popping blue-green combination. And I really love the hat ithe first panel. Plus - Obsidian! (Who, naturally, is dressed in obsidian.)
Joe Dredd
Father Ted on Babylon 5

Not to be outdone, Father Dick Byrne told his offsider, Fr. Cyril MacDuff to organise something similar. Unfortunately Father Cyril organised a trip to the Event Horizon.

It didn't end well.

Joe Dredd wrote:

It's all good, Hugbot, so I'm just going to zoom in on a detail and say how much I love the font you chose for the "Purest Green" sign; also the popping blue-green combination. And I really love the hat ithe first panel. Plus - Obsidian! (Who, naturally, is dressed in obsidian.)

Thank you!

Joe Dredd wrote:

Not to be outdone, Father Dick Byrne told his offsider, Fr. Cyril MacDuff to organise something similar. Unfortunately Father Cyril organised a trip to the Event Horizon.

It didn't end well.


Are you sure they're not part Buffalo?

Then Og could be short for OGiveMe a HomeWhereTheBuffaloRoam,

(grabs black cap and runs).

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
So Og is actually a Highland 'coo'?
Resist the Host


Brad wrote:

Are you sure they're not part Buffalo?

Then Og could be short for OGiveMe a HomeWhereTheBuffaloRoam,

(grabs black cap and runs).

Grin Grin

This opens up new possibilities for a Blake's 7/Galactic Smugglers crossover, as Captain Dude's ship is called Buffalo Skies. (We already had a cameo by Jenna Stannis in Episode 9 - that's her at 2:48, isn't it? Having always trouble with clueless blokes...)

Paula wrote:

So Og is actually a Highland 'coo'?

I think that Justin used a good measure of Highland cow DNA for his genetic experiments.
ellen york
Love the Highland cows Pfft

Joe must be on the Australian anti-tourism board, trying to keep all those pesky tourists away with tales of the dangerous, scary wildlife.
Joe Dredd
Instalment 69 - AKA Who's the Bos?

Paula wrote:

So Og is actually a Highland 'coo'?

That reminds me of the definition of 'acoustic' - what a Scotsman uses to direct cattle.

Hugbot wrote:

I think that Justin used a good measure of Highland cow DNA for his genetic experiments.

"If this experiment doesn't work, at least I'll get a good steak out of it."
Joe Dredd


Joe Dredd

ellen york wrote:

Joe must be on the Australian anti-tourism board, trying to keep all those pesky tourists away with tales of the dangerous, scary wildlife.

And I would have got away with it, if it wasn't for you pesky kids!

ellen york wrote:

Love the Highland cows Pfft

Thank you!

Joe Dredd wrote:

Paula wrote:

So Og is actually a Highland 'coo'?

That reminds me of the definition of 'acoustic' - what a Scotsman uses to direct cattle.

Hugbot wrote:

I think that Justin used a good measure of Highland cow DNA for his genetic experiments.

"If this experiment doesn't work, at least I'll get a good steak out of it."

Joe Dredd
... and beware of the spitfires too, while you're at it!

Joe Dredd wrote:

... and beware of the spitfires too, while you're at it!

Take pity on those of us who aren't Aussies - what's a spitfire?

And for that matter, Huggy. please take pity on the newbies (who now outnumber the oldies by about three to one) and throw in a few more cartoons that don't require 45 years of insider information - although I'm loving the in-jokes too.

This thread is brilliant!
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
Joe Dredd

M1795537OCVirn wrote:

what's a spitfire?

It's a kind of caterpillar that has a bite(?) that stings intensely.

When I was in primary school, you'd see hundreds of these swarming on trees. They'd drop (fall?) out of the trees too. Regardless of the sting, it's always a jump-scare moment when an insect suddenly lands on you. I don't know if these are a different type or a different stage, but the spitfires I grew up with were mostly green.

The problem is...

Groucho: We must kill all the humans, yes, even mine....

Other Cockatoos: But... then.... who will give us corn?

Grouncho: ... ... ... never mind.....

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Brad wrote:

The problem is...

Groucho: We must kill all the humans, yes, even mine....

Other Cockatoos: But... then.... who will give us corn?

Grouncho: ... ... ... never mind.....

Groucho is a smart cockatoo...I feel sure he is thinking this day...
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

Dont mess with Groucho. I know he was definitely the winner in our encounter!!🤢
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.

M1795537OCVirn wrote:

And for that matter, Huggy. please take pity on the newbies (who now outnumber the oldies by about three to one) and throw in a few more cartoons that don't require 45 years of insider information - although I'm loving the in-jokes too.

Don't exaggerate - I've only got 10 years of insider information myself, so that is all that one needs to understand the strips! Wink
Interesting to see how many comments there are as soon as I include animals in the strips!
Just a pity no-one mentioned the marsupilami...
Joe Dredd

Hugbot wrote:

Interesting to see how many comments there are as soon as I include animals in the strips!

This is why Douglas Adams include the death of a whale in HHG. He noted that in Starsky & Hutch, people died left right and centre and no one cared. But as soon as an animal got hurt...

Hugbot wrote:

Just a pity no-one mentioned the marsupilami...

On the entry sign to the Zoo? My apologies Huggy, I'm not very familiar with the world of Spirou.
Joe Dredd

Okay, again I'm sold on the detail.

Huggy, I really love how you've recreated those tiny tiles of different colours that you used to see on buildings such as these. I remember a rampway leading up to the offices of the Gas Board (or at least, I think it was the Gas Board) when I was a kid. It had the same kind of tiny tiles in mixed colours, though predominantly blue.

I hope our green friend's stomach doesn't turn at all the cooking smells.

The discussion about hamburgers at the Zoo restaurant did give me some unsavoury thoughts. There was a 'cinema intermission' parody by Armando Iannucci, I think, which advertises a nearby Indian restaurant. "After the movie, why not dine at the Star of India? Famous for our swan curry, cygnet chutney and swan tikka masala. Just a hundred metres from this cinema, opposite the swan sanctuary".

Joe Dredd wrote:

Huggy, I really love how you've recreated those tiny tiles of different colours that you used to see on buildings such as these. I remember a rampway leading up to the offices of the Gas Board (or at least, I think it was the Gas Board) when I was a kid. It had the same kind of tiny tiles in mixed colours, though predominantly blue.

I didn't draw the tiles myself but used one of the many patterns that come with Clip Studio Paint. Some purists call this cheating, but I don't have any problems with that. Apart from the fact that I never pretended to be a great artist, the artistic aspect is not painstakingly drawing all the tiny tiles but deciding which pattern to use. When I saw these tiles I was also reminded of the kind of pattern that was once all the rage on certain types of buildings (e.g. then modern bistros).

Joe Dredd wrote:

The discussion about hamburgers at the Zoo restaurant did give me some unsavoury thoughts. There was a 'cinema intermission' parody by Armando Iannucci, I think, which advertises a nearby Indian restaurant. "After the movie, why not dine at the Star of India? Famous for our swan curry, cygnet chutney and swan tikka masala. Just a hundred metres from this cinema, opposite the swan sanctuary".


(This may be familiar to some of you as I recycled the joke from a cartoon that I made some years ago.)
Oh, oh,oh ! Catching up with this thread isn't that good for my laugh muscles !
Cramps all over, will I ever be able to sing again??!
I have to admit, it is really good for my abdominal muscles, but then, my leg muscles stop working. I'm on my knees from laughter now.
Please, can anyone tell me what to do against "dying by laughter" (which is a common Dutch saying)?
Well, just ignore me and keep up this very clever, humoristic thread!
*No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Lara&Sue's Blake's 7 stories will be back soon at a new website!
click here to see my heartfelt tribute to Paul Darrow, Kerr Avon Forever
I'm loving all of these! Groucho has gotten 'a big head' out of being so internationally famous because of this comic strip. He is often referred to us as Master of the Universe, King of the World and always ready to poop on someone! You have his personality down pat, Hugbot. BTW- we're only known as 'his monkeys'.
Resist the Host

Joe Dredd

As with the hamburgers, I can’t help but see some sinister connection between the zoo visit and this flamin’ tapir’s sudden appearance.

“Julius Caesar” has a famously anachronistic line about clocks chiming the time. As your director is heavily influenced by Dali, Hugbot, perhaps if it continues we might see some melting clocks on stage. That is, if the RSPCT doesn’t close it down! (“No tapirs we’re harmed in the making of this production, though we did swear at a cat at one point.”)

I notice Hugbot isn’t in the audience. Perhaps to him it’s not true Shakespeare unless Josette Simon is in it?

Great tapir, by the way. (And it reminds me of a very good Sherlock Holmes pastiche, “The Giant Rat of Sumatra” by Richard L. Boyer.)

Clearly, that is Roj Bear.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!

Brad wrote:

Clearly, that is Roj Bear.

Except for the pointed teeth. I even increased the size of the bear head because at first, the canines weren't noticeable at all but it seems I could have increased it even more.

Speaking of bear heads: If Roj Bear lies, is he a bear-faced liar?
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