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How many 'dud' episodes are there in the B7 catalogue?
Zero Zero 9%[1 Vote]
1-5 1-5 73%[8 Votes]
6-10 6-10 18%[2 Votes]
>10 >10 0%[0 Votes]
Sarcophagus Sarcophagus 0%[0 Votes]
Blake's what? Blake's what? 0%[0 Votes]
Total Votes : 11
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Any genuinely 'dud' episodes?
Cygnus Bazza
Few series, whatever their merits, are immune from pumping out the odd truly naff episode - Star Trek being a great example of a brilliant show that still manages to drop the odd clanger (as opposed to Clanger).

So how does B7 fare in that respect? Define 'dud' however you like. Personally, I think we all know a dud episode when we see one - even though it may have a marginal saving grace here or there, and repeated viewing(s) may lead us to accommodate, gloss or rationalise away its failings.
You shouldn't do that, should do that...
Lots of em, though like an overly proud parent, B7 fans love even the imperfect children, sometimes all the more for what makes them different. And I suspect this thread may eventually be moved to Duel, as one fan's Animals is another fan's Rumors of Death.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
Cygnus Bazza

Brad wrote:

And I suspect this thread may eventually be moved to Duel, as one fan's Animals is another fan's Rumors of Death.

I hope not. Rather than arguments over the respective merits of individual episodes, I was hoping for something a bit more quantitative - i.e. in Horizoners' opinion, how often (if at all) does B7 misfire?
You shouldn't do that, should do that...
I don’t recall many episodes that I genuinely didn’t like, but there are at least three or four that I don’t enjoy as much as others.
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Wow! I'm impressed. THREE VOTES! Is this a record for a poll on this site?
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
I voted 1-5 as I think most episodes are good with only bits of some a bit of a dud. I can cite Animals, Dawn of the Gods, Voice from the Past and Stardrive for me. I still like them all but there are parts of them which have me scratching my head.
Resist the Host

Sarcophagus does not deserve this ignominy! Not while Animals exists
Apart from Animals, most of the not so good episodes have things going for them. Aa far as I am concerned the saving grace for Voice from the Past is that rather nice computer expert's black flowing shirt at the start....Grin
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video
Cygnus Bazza

dodgyville wrote:

Sarcophagus does not deserve this ignominy! Not while Animals exists

Ha ha! Well, yes. But at least 'Animals' shares its name with a classic album. As for 'Sarcophagus', I'll file it under 'Inexplicably Popular'... For me, though, it's a complete load of old Jodrell. Emperor's New Clothes in televisual form. JMO etc etc etc.
You shouldn't do that, should do that...
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