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Free Webs closing down
littlesue |
Posted on 30-08-2023 17:03
Alpha Grade Posts: 2790 Joined: 17.01.22 |
Just a heads up. It seems that the new owners of Free Webs are closing that site down as of tomorrow. I am in the process of transferring all my stuff to another free web site builder, but old slow coach here will take ages. But, all is not lost, most of my own stories, including the Zines that I produced back in 1985 with Sylvie and Maria are on my bookshelf as PDFs. And that includes Shadow 2. Yes I have finally got round to scanning it all in. It features the 2nd part of Sylvie's story and a lovely story by Maria called The Power of Destiny...which concerns our favourite computer expert growing up and meeting a young lady called Bronwen. The story unfolds as Avon's journey with Blake comes to a bitter end on Gauda Prime, but The Power of Destiny keeps Bronwen's hopes alive... Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold! Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!! Sue's Book Shelf Rebel Run Video |
Lurena |
Posted on 01-09-2023 20:01
Alpha Grade Posts: 1938 Joined: 16.01.22 |
Just popping in from Greece to say that I'm busy reviving my old website. The Lara&Sue's stories will get a nice place there on a special bookshelf. Keep an eye on this thread! *No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.*
Lara&Sue's Blake's 7 stories will be back soon at a new website! |
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