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What’s your favorite B7 relationship?
The first time I saw B7, the thing that instantly caught my eye were the character dynamics and relationships. The will they won’t they of Blake and Jenna, the bantering friendship of Vila and Avon, the speculated attraction between Soolin and Vila. So I’m curious, what are everyone’s favorite B7 relationships, either platonic or romantic?
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Avon / Anna.

The contrast between the perceived relationship, and the cold hard truth, is sooooo Blake's 7. And so dramatic that JMS copied it for Babylon 5 between Jon Sheridan, and is wife... that's right.... Anna.

And it doesn't stop there.

Blake's 7: Gan and his woman.
Farscape: Ka D'argo and his wife.

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
Servalan and anyone. She plays them all, and wins. Even Zen. (Possibly not the Phibians. Probably sent a squad to exterminate them all afterwards, though).
"You're not sulking, I hope?"

Brad wrote:

Avon / Anna.

The contrast between the perceived relationship, and the cold hard truth, is sooooo Blake's 7. And so dramatic that JMS copied it for Babylon 5 between Jon Sheridan, and is wife... that's right.... Anna.

And it doesn't stop there.

Blake's 7: Gan and his woman.
Farscape: Ka D'argo and his wife.

And Daniel and Sha’re from Stargate, to a degree.
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Can I state an apocryphal relationship? During our years without B7 fandom, we, my husband Brad and I wrote fan fiction and as you can see by my member photo, the pairing of Del Grant and Jenna Stannis was one of our main story drivers. So -although it was never seen in the series, we made it our own canon. Grin
Resist the Host

I’ve heard of that being a ship before! It took me by surprise the first time I came across it, but honestly, I can see it working out much better than Jenna and Blake would.
Don’t be sorry. Be quiet.
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
Vila and everyone...he has to become a different person at times. Generally the useless drunk stands him in good stead but very often he puts on a different mask. He knows his crew so well...except that one time and nobody could have seen that coming!
Edited by OneSparePart on 12-05-2024 10:28
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
Vanessa Doffenshmirtz

OneSparePart wrote:

Vila and everyone...he has to become a different person at times. Generally the useless drunk stands him in good stead but very often he puts on a different mask. He knows his crew so well...except that one time and nobody coukd have seen that coming!

Many eons ago, I read a fanfic in which Vila was a Puppeteer like Carnell. It was an interesting perspective on his character given how quick he was to suggest killing Avon in the second episode.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
Till they got a hold of me
Vanessa Doffenshmirtz
I love the Avon and Vila interactions which is why that forms the basis of my B7 fanfics.
I don't ship any of the characters but there are some Avon/Vila fics out there that I like.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
Till they got a hold of me
Villa and Avon
Villa and Gan
I plan to live forever,or die trying.
Maximum Power
New tattoo

I am not well placed to make this call, because I have only watched a fraction of the episodes, mainly Series 3, and for my money by far the best is "Rumours ..."

So my choice chooses itself. Just what is there about it?
Avon - brilliantly calculating, almost as much a computer as Orac, revealing a new side to his character as he defies all logic in his quest.
Anna - the mysterious woman from his past, of whom you saw little and knew less. For a while you didn't even know she was still alive. You didn't know who, or maybe what she really was.
That's probaby enough in itself, even before you see the pieces of the sad puzzle appear and begin to fit together.
The final scene of death and near death. in it's way, Shakespearean. At last and against all odds, Avon finds his one and only love, only to kill her before they have a chance to be together. Hope flickers for an instant, and is then doused.

The whole plot is a masterpiece, messing with your mind as it leads you up one path, then without you realising, down another. The great film director, Gilles Mimouni, did that sort of thing.
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