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June 2024 Ficlet Challenge
The word prompt this month is...


And for the second challenge:

One of our characters has been eavesdropping...

“We’re clear about this? Their launch failed, and the missile is set to detonate. Avon, once we are down there, get Orac to tap into its programming. Jenna – you’re in charge up here. Gan, operate the teleport and then you’re on watch with Jenna. Cally, bring the medical kit, just in case. Vila – are you ready?”
“No! It’s all right for you, standing there telling everyone else what to do!” Vila shouted. Blake turned back,
“I don’t have time to argue, Vila. Get your tools.”
“I’m not going. Let’s see the teleport set you down in something nasty, for once. I’m sick of it.”
The two stared at each other. Then, to Vila’s surprise, Blake strode back to the crew area.
“So am I,” he snarled furiously, “Sick of all the moaning and whining. Sick of the snide comments and clever put-downs. Oh, it’s not just you, Vila. It’s everyone. If you lot don’t like me telling you what to do – fine. I resign.”
“What?” Vila was shaken. It sounded as if Roj really meant it, “I didn’t mean – “
“Maybe not, but you’re in control for this one, Vila. Let’s see how you like it!” the other man shouted back. He sat down and folded his arms.
Avon said nothing. He’d seen this coming for a while now. The strain of being on the run was getting to them all. He was interested to see what Vila would do next.
Jenna, meanwhile, was having her own minor meltdown.
“Stop it!” she grumbled, “Stop it, both of you. If we don’t get down there soon, there won’t be any point going. That thing’s going to explode!”
Gan and Cally exchanged a glance, but neither spoke. Vila looked from Blake to Avon and back again, stumped.
“Well, Vila, what’s the plan?” Avon asked, pleasantly enough, but there was an edge to it that everyone heard and understood: there was no way Avon was going to step in to help.
“Er…give me a minute,” Vila managed, retreating to his station on the flight deck. They waited.

“Yes – do call in! Whenever you’re passing – and thanks, “ the rebel leader smiled and waved as they left.
The crew of the Liberator returned to the ship in silence.
“That went quite well, I thought, “ Vila commented as the others replaced their teleport bracelets in the rack. Everyone but Avon rapidly disappeared. The computer expert nodded agreement,
“Surprisingly well,” he commented, “Especially the part where they paid you in Tyhrrian brandy.”
They had reached Vila’s cabin. Vila heaved the crate of brandy onto the table,
“Well, once I found the combination, the rest was easy. Credit where credit’s due, though, you were the one that isolated the mechanism. Personally, I thought the best bit was when Blake crawled out of that tunnel covered in mud.”
“Especially since he didn’t need to,” Avon nodded. Orac had accessed the missile’s controls remotely.
“Oh, he needed to,” Vila replied, “I was in control for this one, remember?”
"You're not sulking, I hope?"
That was absolutely brilliant, M1…Virn! I love the bit about Blake crawling through a muddy tunnel. Grin
The Blake’s 7 section of my blog, where I post fics, art, essays, etcetera.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wonderfully satisfying!
Play the hand fate deals you.
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