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Horizon Observatory visit

Hugbot wrote:

It's always a bit risky to write fiction where the characters refer to real persons. I don't think that Lorna would do the following experiment.
Also, apologies in advance for the rather obscure gag.

I dont think Brad would let me do that!!
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.

Hollyhocks indeed to having prawn cocktail crisps dematerialising in my mouth...there is all of outer space in which to do a Vargas with them... mmm I think there is a joke about the vastness of space ready to backfire on me...Grin
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
Joe Dredd

Hugbot wrote:

Also, apologies in advance for the rather obscure gag.

Did Groucho change genders? (From blue to pink)

OneSparePart wrote:

Hollyhocks indeed to having prawn cocktail crisps dematerialising in my mouth.

You know that I am evil.

I could have done the same gag with me and brussels sprouts but that wouldn't have been half as funny. Pfft

Joe Dredd wrote:

Hugbot wrote:

Also, apologies in advance for the rather obscure gag.

Did Groucho change genders? (From blue to pink)

No, not that obscure! Frown
With 'obscure' I meant that you have to find that tiny detail of miscoloured bird's muck hidden away in the bottom right corner. It was just meant as a sign of something having gone wrong during teleport. Despite the blue/pink change, I was more thinking of the digestion than the reproductive system.

And don't worry, Brad and Paula, by re-teleport Groucho with sufficient filter settings Lorna has restored him to his usual self!
Well, we have done some tests now with inanimate objects, animals and people, but this far only from one pad to the next. The next step is of course teleporting someone to a distant location.

And we even found a volunteer:

Will T.T. be disappointed when he finds out that he isn't in the Xenon shower room at all? Will we be able to bring him back? Wait for tomorrow's shocking revelations!

Hugbot wrote:

Well, we have done some tests now with inanimate objects, animals and people, but this far only from one pad to the next. The next step is of course teleporting someone to a distant location.

And we even found a volunteer:

Will T.T. be disappointed when he finds out that he isn't in the Xenon shower room at all? Will we be able to bring him back? Wait for tomorrow's shocking revelations!

That is very naughty!!
I look behind me, what do I see? A pair of golden wings seem to be attached to me.

Hugbot wrote:

OneSparePart wrote:

Hollyhocks indeed to having prawn cocktail crisps dematerialising in my mouth.

You know that I am evil.

I could have done the same gag with me and brussels sprouts but that wouldn't have been half as funny. Pfft

I'm thinking of getting de-sensitised to prawn cocktail crisps. If I find a way of doing it, it could work for sprouts too...
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

Hugbot wrote:

Well, we have done some tests now with inanimate objects, animals and people, but this far only from one pad to the next. The next step is of course teleporting someone to a distant location.

And we even found a volunteer:

Will T.T. be disappointed when he finds out that he isn't in the Xenon shower room at all? Will we be able to bring him back? Wait for tomorrow's shocking revelations!

If TT doesn't end up showering with Soolin, you'd better find a hiding place, Huggy. Unless you don't intend to bring him back...FrownAngryPfft
Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!
trevor travis
I've got the same mind as Joe - I also thought Groucho had been turned into a girl!

Meanwhile, if I've really been transported to the Xenon Shower Room alongside Soolin, I'm happy to stay there and sign out of the Adventures of TT and let the All-New Adventures Of Og commence Pfft Grin
Vote Og.

OneSparePart wrote:

Hugbot wrote:

OneSparePart wrote:

Hollyhocks indeed to having prawn cocktail crisps dematerialising in my mouth.

You know that I am evil.

I could have done the same gag with me and brussels sprouts but that wouldn't have been half as funny. Pfft

I'm thinking of getting de-sensitised to prawn cocktail crisps. If I find a way of doing it, it could work for sprouts too...

My Prawn Cocktail Pringles, including the tube donated by MCVirn, are under lock and key, so, unfortunately, I cannot help you de sensitise. Not even Garrison and his Gorillas can parachute in and locate them!!! Grin
Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video

Hugbot wrote:

Joe Dredd wrote:

[quote name=Hugbot post=54988]Also, apologies in advance for the rather obscure gag.

And don't worry, Brad and Paula, by re-teleport Groucho with sufficient filter settings Lorna has restored him to his usual self!

Oh.... darn....

Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
Joe Dredd

That reminds me of the teleport in the "Snare" game. It mostly only accepts the coordinates that get revealed as you play the game, but there are some silly Easter egg ones you can find by experimentation:

(Click for readable size.)

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Lorna wrote:

That is very naughty!!

Yes!! Pfft

trevor travis wrote:

Meanwhile, if I've really been transported to the Xenon Shower Room alongside Soolin, I'm happy to stay there and sign out of the Adventures of TT and let the All-New Adventures Of Og commence Pfft Grin

I'm afraid I have other plans. On the other hand, this would be a great ending if I ever decide to discontinue the strip. Instead of having everyone gunned down Blake-style, I could simply have you teleported into the shower with Soolin and Emma Peel, where you will live happily ever after.
Joe Dredd
Oh no, it's the evil anti-TT from another dimension!

Keep him under observation, see if he foreswears pizza and starts saying "The salad's looking very nice tonight".

Joe Dredd wrote:

Oh no, it's the evil anti-TT from another dimension!

Keep him under observation, see if he foreswears pizza and starts saying "The salad's looking very nice tonight".

Aren't all 'evil anti-TT's from other dimensions' supposed to have little evil goatees so we know them to be evil?
Resist the Host


Cold! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!
Cold is when you have ice on the INSIDE of your window!!

Sue's Book Shelf

Rebel Run Video


Cockatoo? What Cockatoo? I don't see a Cockatoo!
Joe Dredd
How Horrible!

Teleport him back again. Let's see if he turns into a deposit box full of feathers.
trevor travis

Grin Grin

PS can I simply swap to my spare beanie, rather than having to keep going through the teleport?
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd
It’s Betty and Wilma all over again.

Joe Dredd wrote:

It’s Betty and Wilma all over again.

Yep! Guess we've all seen that Red Dwarf episode!
Resist the Host

Joe Dredd
"That's why I always dress in black"
trevor travis
All the blood is rushing to my head. Are you sure I can't just swap to Spare Beanie 3, even if it has droid rot and has a northern accent.
Vote Og.
Joe Dredd
"Maaaaate! You've got a face on you like a robber's dog. You're one of us now. Get this XXXX neck oil down you. That'll flamin' well fix things. We'll get you a chicko roll to go with it."

(Nurse, I want this man on Vegemite and lamingtons every three hours.)
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