In Memoriam - Gareth & Linda Thomas
B7 Cast and CrewIn Memoriam - Gareth & Linda Thomas

On 13th April 2016 Blake’s 7 fans were devastated to learn of the death of Gareth Thomas – a warm, lovely man, an exceptionally talented actor and our show’s eponymous hero.

As we fondly remember him 7 years on, we now share the very sad news that his lovely wife Linda (née Rusby) has passed away on 6th March after a short illness. May they rest in peace together, reunited again.

The website recently created as a permanent tribute to Gareth’s long and impressive career has uploaded further content over the past few days, which fittingly includes a tribute to Linda, whose help was invaluable, proudly providing access to information and memorabilia from his earliest years as an actor. ‘May this archive grow into and remain a fitting tribute to them both.’

Gareth Thomas Online Performance Archive - Tribute to Linda Thomas (née Rusby)