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Fan Fiction: The Seer Vindicated by Loulou Harris
- 24 Jan 2022
- Fan Fiction
- 47 Reads
The Seer Vindicated
Loulou Harris
In the capital city of Auron lived a seer whose sole misfortune in life was that his prophecies, which were invariably realised, had never yet been acknowledged by the population at large as anything other than curious coincidences, or else, the results of telepathic forewarnings by individuals closer to the issue.
One night he was awakened by a dream of terrible portent, which he recognized immediately as quite the most vivid premonition which he had ever experienced.
Tormented by the future presented to him in this dream, he decided that duty determined that he warn one of the leaders of the Auronaar.
The very next morning the seer was presented to the Secretary for Health to whom he had gained access only by wont of a family connection in that ministry. Grasping the hand of the Secretary, the seer cried: “We are doomed! For I have foreseen that a great plague will be brought down to us by evil powers in the Federation.”
And the Secretary, patting his hand and gently chiding him, said: “Now then, old father. We have no enemies in the Federation; indeed, there are those who say that we should endeavour to strengthen those tenuous links which we already have. Why should the Federation wish to harm us?”
Replying, the old seer’s voice took on a more ominous tone. “It will be because of the rebel known as Cally. Even now, she allies herself to the resistor Blake and his people. In order to lure her back to her homeworld, from which she is exiled, the President of the Federation will cause great suffering to be brought to our world.”
Upon hearing this, the Secretary smiled to himself because he knew well that above all things in the empire, Servalan coveted Blake’s ship, the Liberator.
But outwardly, he embraced the seer, telling him: “Seer, you are truly a prophet worthy of our gratitude! This very evening, I will call the council and we will resolve immediately this question of what is to be done about Cally. For if it is in her honour that our planet will be attacked, then surely it is our duty to help her to identify her own duty towards our people and if necessary, to give herself up first!”
Doubtfully, the seer asked: “And you think that Cally will do this? All evidence suggests that she no longer regards this world as her highest priority.”
The Secretary nodded gravely, his tone reassuring. “I will see to it that she knows that our most notable seer has decreed this to be so, that this prophecy has the endorsement of the entire Council.”
The seer was then dismissed, the gracious words of the Secretary still ringing in his ears.
Upon reaching his home, he first smiled indulgently at the myriad hordes who had gathered to meet him (since it had been announced that the Secretary had declared him a True Mystic and Chosen One).
Once safely indoors, fell upon his bed, weeping at the thought of the treachery he had begun.
After dismissing the seer, the Secretary made his announcement. He asked to meet with the seer’s relative in his ministry. This employee arrived minutes hence, suspecting nothing of what was to occur.
Only seconds later, the relative left the Secretary’s office with transfer papers, effective immediately, for a post in the ministry’s most far flung department, and the congratulations of the Secretary on his appointment as the Under-Secretary for Health in the Polar Continent.
Then, when the Secretary felt sure that he would remain undisturbed, he opened his private and secure line to the Federation and asked to communicate with President Servalan. She received his information with great interest, musing aloud that a suggestion as novel as this must be worthy of an official far greater than a mere Secretary for Health.
At that moment, the door of his office flung open. The Secretary found himself face to face with the aged seer who had once again obtained admittance, this time only because his relative had received the news of his own appointment with frustration, pique and an immense sense of betrayal.
The seer rounded on the Secretary, to whom he said, furiously: “Do you take me for a fool? Naturally, since I foresaw the plague, I also envisaged the man who would betray us; the Federation traitor. You would have done better to trust me, instead of believing, wrongly, as have all until now, that my powers are merely my own delusion.”
And with these words, he leapt forward and drawing a long knife which lay concealed within his robe, opened a bloody gash in the throat of the astonished and treacherous Secretary.
This story was originally published in Horizon Newsletter no.33
All original fan fiction hosted on Horizon is copyright to the individual authors. No attempt is being made to supersede any copyright held by the estate of Terry Nation, the BBC, B7 Media, Big Finish or any other licensees or holders of copyright on Blake's 7 material.
· Posted by Travisina on 22 July 2014 3275 Reads ·