Fan Fiction: Times Reoccurring by Andrew Williams

Times Reoccurring
Andrew Williams

Wood creaked and the sea churned and foamed as it had done since time immemorial. Sheets of canvas flapped in the wind and the heavy sea thudded against the decking. Coils of rope lay on decks, half unwound; meals sat ready to be eaten, but there was no one on board. A wheezing, groaning echo faded, leaving the ship entirely empty.

Another time, another ship. The man stood on the main deck of the ship. The ship was alien, and so was the man. But the ship and the man were alien to each other; they came from different places.

The Doctor threw another length of scarf over his shoulder as he surveyed the remains of the flight deck. Several of the consoles were on fire, the emergency lighting was flickering, and smoke was drifting in from the corridor. The flight computer on the port bulkhead was babbling erratically in its native tongue. It was a bit of a mess, thought the man. A shambles, in fact.

He continued standing in front of the TARDIS, with its door open, directing the crew into it. Two well-dressed minions were hustled in by the last Alta, leaving the Doctor alone on the ship.

"I dare say that's the last time they tangle with the Rutans, eh?" he mused to the computer. "I said, I dare say...oh, never mind."

He stepped over to one bank of consoles that was relatively intact and operated the life capsule launch control. "Better make it look plausible this time," he said to himself. "Pity I forgot when I did the Marie Celeste. Caused the human race no end of bother."

With a grin, he went back to his blue box, entered, and closed the door. With a long creak of aged exertions the TARDIS slowly faded into infinity.

AVON: Blake! This would account for what happened to the crew.
BLAKE: What is it?
AVON: Life rocket launch control – it's been operated.

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· Posted by Travisina on 20 October 2014 1963 Reads ·