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Articles: Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction: The Price You Pay by Andrew Williams
"Gardenos, here I come!" smiled Vila, heading out the door.

Fan Fiction: The Seer Vindicated by Loulou Harris
the seer cried: “We are doomed! For I have foreseen that a great plague will be brought down to us by evil powers in the Federation.”

Fan Fiction: Tidings of Comfort by Anniew
At least water was plentiful; he was thankful for that. Food was another matter, though. He was kept this side of starvation, but was always pathetically relieved when a new box of supplies appeared on his doorstep.

Fan Fiction: Times Reoccurring by Andrew Williams
Another time, another ship. The man stood on the main deck of the ship. The ship was alien, and so was the man. But the ship and the man were alien to each other; they came from different places.

Fan Fiction: Transmogrification by Brad Black
“What happened?” Grant echoed. “You lost. You’re on Gauda Prime. I’ll explain the rest once we reach safety. Hurry.”

Fan Fiction: Unforgiven by Andrew Williams
Vila Restal was still running....

Fan Fiction: Vila's Letters Home by Brad Black, Season D (2021)
Blake's 7, seen from the viewpoint of Vila Restal. WARNING: if you have not yet seen the episodes, obviously these letters will contain spoilers.

Fan Fiction: Vila's Letters Home by Brad Black, Series A (2021)
Blake's 7, seen from the viewpoint of Vila Restal. WARNING: if you have not yet seen the episodes, obviously these letters will contain spoilers.

Fan Fiction: Vila's Letters Home by Brad Blake, Series B (2021)
Blake's 7, seen from the viewpoint of Vila Restal. WARNING: if you have not yet seen the episodes, obviously these letters will contain spoilers.

Fan Fiction: Vila's Letters Home, by Brad Black, Season C (2021)
Blake's 7, seen from the viewpoint of Vila Restal. WARNING: if you have not yet seen the episodes, obviously these letters will contain spoilers.

Fan Fiction: War by Troy Latto
Advance elements of the Andromedan battle fleet were pouring through the gap in the defence shield and the Liberator was the only ship in the vicinity that could resist them.

Fan Fiction: What Dreams May Come by Anniew
...She sips the panic sweating from his skin, licks the fear that wars with honour, rolls in her mouth the self-disgust he hides...

Fan Fiction: Who? by Anniew
Waste. Clearing up the waste. Appropriate term, that. Another life wasted, so they might live.